Victoria Serviços Imobiliários, Cascais

Office Victoria SI

Our primary focus is seeking out properties to match your needs.

We do not work directly with sellers, we work with a network of agents and agencies to source properies individually matched to your requirements, including unlisted, private and off-market listings.


We provide a one-to-one service which takes you through every step of the buying procedure. From your first contact with our agency until the day you are handed the keys you will have one point of contact to answer questions, source information, acompany you on viewings and to clarify any issue you are unsure about, all in clear English.


Click here or scroll down the page to see each of the steps in detail.

Be assured that regardless of the circumstances,
you will never be asked to pay any fees to our agency, 
nor be asked to reimburse any costs incurred.


Be assured that regardless of the circumstances, you will never be asked to pay any fees to our agency, nor be asked to reimburse any costs incurred.



Why choose us?
For the perfect blend of security and convenience

Contacting an agent or agency through a advert online will normally put you directly in touch with the agent who has listed the property and is the seller’s representative.

Whilst it is permitted for them to represent the buyer alongside representing the seller, having your own representative means that you have a professional looking out for your interests alone and not those of the seller simultaniously.

Working with an independant property finder holds a huge advantage throughout the process of finding your property, from analysing information and documentation with an unbiased eye, to negotiationg the purchase price and terms of the sale of a property. Even if it is necessary to contact a private seller, you are still the client that we represent.

You can work directly and exclusively with us to save the stress of dealing with many different owners or agents and other professional bodies. We will accompany you step-by-step through the entire process.

Even though it is not a requirement to be a property finder in Portugal we are a fully licensed real estate agency with all associated criminal record checks and insurance.
AMI license 22463 

Step-by-step, your journey in detail

Getting in touch

Click here to go to our requirements form and let us know the type of property you are looking for, with no obligation!


Decide how you’d prefer to communicate – most communication should be written through email, whatsapp or the platfom of your choice (to keep everything clear and on hand for reference) but if you’d also like to call or video chat to meet up initially then we’re happy to oblige.


You can also make an appointment to visit us at our office in Cascais.

Selecting suitable properties

With your requirements on hand we are able to search through a vast catalogue of available properties, including off-market and private sales, we’ll put together a selection of links for you to have a look at and continue to refine the search parameters as we receive feedback on the properties we’ve shared with you.


You are also welcome to send links to us for any properties that you find through your own searches. We’re able to work with any agency in the area and even the majority of private sellers, we only ask that you allow us to contact the agent, agency or seller rather than contacting them directly,  click here to find out why.


At this point if you have questions about any of the properties we can get in touch with the agent or seller and request the information which will then be passed onto you in English.

Arranging viewings

We will be responsible for contacting all agents and sellers to arrange dates and times for viewings, we will always try to arrange these in an order that minimises the time and distance between viewings to avoid you having to do too much running around.


We accompany you to each of the viewings and will be on-hand to translate when necessary and request important information from each of the agents or sellers showing the properties.

Next steps

At this point you may decide that you’d like to have another look at what’s available, widen your search parameters or alter your requirements to find a property more suited to your needs, that’s absolutely fine! We’re happy to continue the search with you for as long as it takes!


If at this point you have found a property that you’d like to buy, you can find detailed information about the next steps you’ll need to take in our Purchase Procedure section.


You can get in touch at any point to request clarification or just to check on the process, we’ll still be with you right up until the day you’re handed the keys.

A small team, guaranteed to give you a personal service

Lisa Beale

Director & Agent

Lisa is a British estate agent with over 15 years experience selling property in Portugal, primarily to foreign clients.


After a number of years buying and renovating properties, she began working for RE/MAX where she completed extensive training and won a number of awards during her seven years with the company. Millie, the mascot has also been working alonside Lisa for the past ten years, attending meetings and deeds and getting to know all the professionals in the area!


Lisa founded Victoria Serviços Imobiliários in 2020 to offer a more specialised and tailored solution to buyers from all over the world.


“I take pride in being able to offer a complete and flexible sevice to my clients. Guiding them through the process of purchasing property and providing assistance to help them settle into their new home is a very rewarding experience” – Lisa Beale

Ana Flor

Agent & Office Manager

Ana Flor is Portuguese and has a background in translation and communications.


She primarily deals with agents and private sellers requesting and translating information and booking viewings and other appointments.


She also acts as an agent and property finder for clients looking to buy property in the central region and Silver Coast.


“I am provided with the deeply enriching experience of meeting clients from all over the world and watching as they fall in love with my country. It’s a delight to facilitate their endeavours with Lisa by acting as a liaison between clients, agencies and institutions” – Ana Flor